LOCATION: Presbyterian Village, 1400 Oak Ln, Bldg 100, Athens, GA 30606
RECITAL DATE: Friday, November 15, 2024
FEE: none
RECITAL CHAIRPERSON: Rebekah Boles (rebekahhealan@yahoo.com)
- This event is open to students from pre-college through college undergraduate age.
- Participating students must be studying with a current member of AMTA or TONIC.
- Students perform ONE (1) memorized selection or movement from any musical period.
- Each teacher may enter up to three (3) students per studio, with the understanding that duets and trios will count as a single entry.
- Parents, relatives, and other guests are encouraged to attend.
The purpose of these recitals is to present students who are demonstrating excellence at their level of playing. These recitals will be held annually, and they will both occur on the same day. Depending on enrollment and if time allows, there may be two separate recitals--the Elementary Fall Recital is for grades K through 5, and the Upper-Grade Fall Recital is for middle school through college. These two recitals may be combined into one recital if there are fewer than six students scheduled for either group or if it becomes time appropriate.
Updated: 10/31/2022